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Serotyping, serosubtyping and serogrouping of Neisseria meningitidis to distinguish the relatedness of strains.
- Meningitis
Pure culture.
Specimens may be subject to rejection if they are not the appropriate sample type or are not accompanied by relevant patient information.
Send as growth on culture medium (preferred) or on a swab in transport medium. Cultures can be also shipped frozen on dry ice.
Shipping of specimens shall be done by a TDG certified individual in accordance with TDG regulations. For additional information regarding classification of specimens for the purposes of shipping, consult either Part 2 Appendix 3 of the TDG Regulations or section 3.6.2 of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations as applicable.
Suspected of invasive disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis.
Completed Vaccine Preventable Bacterial Diseases requisition form including sender lab name, address, fax number and telephone number. Patient identifier (specimen reference #), patient initials, date of birth and sex. Type of specimen, source of isolation, date collected, and test requested. Vaccine history (if known).
Testing is performed, in whole or in part, using a lab-developed test which has not been fully validated/verified due to a lack of well-characterized panel.
See reference below.
20 calendar days (unless specified as urgent).
- Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 9th Edition Volume 1 p.614 to 617. ASM Press, Washington D.C.